
Time field limits

The limits for time fields allow controlling:

  • The number of time fields to be utilized ("Cluster busy times")
  • The number of periods to be taught within the time field ("Limit busy times")
  • The number of idle periods within the time field ("Limit idle times")

Cluster busy times

A resource (a class group or a teacher) is busy at some time when it attends at least one lesson at that time, and busy during some time field if it is busy at one or more times of that time field. A cluster busy times constraint places limits on the number of time fields during which a resource may be busy.

Limit busy times

A resource is busy at some time when it attends at least one lesson at that time. A limit busy times constraint places limits on the number of times during certain time fields that a resource may be busy.

Limit idle times

A resource is busy at some time when it attends at least one lesson at that time. A resource is idle at some time (more precisely, idle with respect to a given time field) when it is not busy at that time but it is busy at some earlier time of the time field, and at some later time, taking the time field's times in chronological order.

For example, suppose the time field is Wednesday and the resource is busy at the third and seventh times of that time field, and not busy at its other times. Then it is idle at the fourth, fifth, and sixth times of that time field but not at its first or second times or after the seventh time.

For class groups, Skolaris only allows applying the Limit idle times constraint to each day of the week, just like the Maximum gaps per day constraint. Arbitrary time fields are supported for teachers.