
Getting started

Follow these steps to create your first timetable.

Create organisation

When you log in for the first time, you'll be brought to the Skolaris dashboard screen. To start inputting your data, first you need to create an organisation. Just enter your school's name, optionally adding a description.

Create academic term

Next you'll be prompted to create a term. Enter a name, such as Spring 2020, optionally start and end dates.

Build curriculum

You'll be taken to the Curriculum builder screen, where you'll create the basic structure and curriculum of your organisation.

Assign teachers

After that, you'll create your teachers and assign courses for them to teach in the Course teacher assignment screen. When you're done, your basic setup is complete! Next, you can create a timetable already or add more details.

Watch tutorial

Please watch this tutorial before continuing:

Adjust academic term

When you click the name of the term on the dashboard, you're taken to the term screen, where you can adjust your timeslots. Add or remove days and periods as needed. Also don't forget to enter start and end times for the periods.

You have the opportunity to adjust timeslot availability to specify that some timeslots aren't suitable for teaching, such as Friday afternoon or Monday morning.

Please do not make whole columns unavailable - this would denote that the whole school has a free period, and such non-teaching periods should not be included in the matrix of the timeslots at all. (If you really want to do it, you can, but then be careful about lunch break and gap settings for class groups and teachers.)

Create class groups

If you want to create more class groups, click the big plus button under the Class groups header on the dashboard to create one or more class groups. You have the option to choose one of the existing class groups as a template - if you do so, all the lessons will be copied from the template to the new class group, as well as its internal structure (divisions and subgroups).

Create teachers

Click the big plus button under the Teachers header to create more teachers.

Create subjects

Click the big plus button under the Subjects header to create more subjects.

Create lessons

You can create lessons virtually from any screen in Skolaris. If you prefer working teacher by teacher, go to the list of teachers in main navigation and open the teacher screen by clicking the teacher's name. If you prefer working class group by class group, go to the list of class groups and open one by clicking its name. Same applies for subjects.

Once in a screen for a teacher or a class group or a subject, go the Lessons tab and create your first lesson by clicking the Create button. Depending on the screen you're in, you'll be asked to fill details necessary to create a lesson, such as the subject and the teaching group, number of instances per week, duration and cycle of the lesson and teachers attending it.

Once your lessons are ready, there's one more step before you can create a timetable.

Configure term

Click the name of the term in the main navigation menu and open the Optimisation settings by clicking the gear icon in the top right corner.

Configure lunch and recess

If your school uses fixed recess or lunch, choose the appropriate times from the dropdowns.

Then click the Launch button to launch the configuration wizard. This gives you a chance to enter details about how classes are conducted in your school.

Configure class groups

The settings are used for all class groups. If class groups in a certain year group require individual configuration, choose a class group configuration set with the appropriate settings in the year group's Optimisation settings section. If a certain class group requires individual configuration, choose a configuration set with the appropriate settings in its Optimisation settings section.

Configure teachers

The teacher configuration is very similar to the class group configuration. The two, however, can use very different values, as teacher schedule requirements may vary significantly.

These settings are used for all teachers. If certain teachers require individual configuration, choose a configuration set with the appropriate settings in their Optimisation settings section.

Create timetable

It's time to create your first timetable. Go to the dashboard and click the big plus button, or go to the list of timetables using the main navigation menu and click Create to enter the Timetable creation wizard.

Congratulations, you've just created your first Skolaris timetable.